Malaysia Negara Maju

Malaysia sedang berada di ambang negara maju. Untuk tempoh lapan tahun dari sekarang, negara kita akan melalui satu fasa transformasi penting yang akan menentukan samada kita berjaya melangkah ke gerbang negara maju apabila fajar tahun 2020 menyinsing.


Dalam era transformasi ini, seluruh minda dan kudrat rakyat perlu digembleng untuk memacu kemajuan negara dalam persekitaran global yang lebih mencabar.

Pendidikan Yang Berkualiti dan Inovasi

Pelaksanaan empat inisiatif di bawah Bidang Keberhasilan Utama Negara (NKRA) bagi sektor pendidikan, yang bertujuan untuk memperluas akses kepada pendidikan yang berkualiti dan berkemampuan

Modal Insan Yang Berpengetahuan

guru inovasi yang mempunyai kebolehan untuk melengkapkan murid dengan kemahiran alaf baru seperti keupayaan berfikir secara kritis, kebijaksanaan menyelesaikan masalah dan daya kreativiti yang tinggi.

Terima Kasih Guru

Berkat sentuhan para gurulah, lahirnya insan-insan yang terdidik dengan ilmu dan adab, yang kini berada di setiap lapangan ekonomi, sosial, budaya, pendidikan dan sebagainya untuk menggerakkan kemajuan bangsa dan nusa. Kejayaan negara kita beralih daripada sebuah negara berasaskan ekonomi pertanian kepada sebuah negara perindustrian baru yang pesat berkembang, sebahagian besarnya adalah kerana jasa dan bakti para guru.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

[Science Form 3] About Blood

The transport system in humans is called the circulatory system, which is made up of heart and blood vessels.

The functions of the blood circulatory system are to:
  • supply oxygen to all body cells and eliminate carbon dioxide,
  • transport waste products

Structure of the heart

Oxygen-rich blood (red color)
Oxygen-poor blood (blue color)
  • AO = Aorta
  • LA = Left atrium
  • LV = Left ventricle
  • PA = Pulmonary artery
  • RA = Right atrium
  • RV = Right ventricle

The heart is a muscular structure that contracts in a rhythmic pattern to pump blood. It si the size of your fist and has four chambers:
  • right atrium
  • right ventricle
  • left atrium
  • left ventricle

The space in the atrium is smaller than that in the ventricle. The wall of the ventricle is thicker and stronger than that of the atrium.

Valve TRICUSPID - Prevents blood in the right ventricle from flowing back to the right atrium.

Valve BICUSPID - Prevents blood leaving the heart from flowing back.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012






1 能理清文章的思路;
2 能初步领悟作品的内涵;
3 能从中获得对自然、社会、人生的有益启示;
4 能品味作品中富有表现力的语言;
5 能联系文化背景对作品的思想感情作出自己的评价;
6 能对作品中感人的情景和形象说出自己的体验;
7 了解作品几种常用的描写方法及其作用。



1. 感知文章基本内容
a. 浏览标题,领悟基本内容。
b. 通读全文,把握材料的要义,了解文章的基本内容。
i. 如果是以写人为主的记叙文,要弄清楚文中写了哪些人,其中主要人物是谁,围绕主要人物选取了哪些事件来写,哪些事件详写,哪些事件略写等。
ii. 如果是以叙事为主的记叙文,要抓住记叙的线索和要素,弄清事情发生发展的过程,明确文中重点叙述的是事件的哪一过程。
iii. 如果是写景状物类的记叙文,则要弄清文中写了哪些景、物,着重描绘景、物的哪些方面,分别抓住它们的什么特点来写的等等。

2. 感知文章思路结构

3. 感知文章中心主旨

有一天,我想小睡一会儿,但孩子已在我床上睡着了。我不想吵醒他,于是我在他的床上躺下。真是糟糕透了!我翻来覆去,无论采取何种睡姿,床上的弹簧和床垫老是抵着我的背脊令我无法安睡。小孩平时总是抱怨他的床,但他的麻烦一直未得到解决。现在这个问题摆在我面前,我一下子明白了。 ([美]柯特•汉克思《穿着别人的鞋子走路》)

思考 作者在文中写了哪几件事?(用简洁的语言概括)?写这些事的用意是什么?


 我们运用归纳法可以概括第一件事的主要内容:戴上眼罩喝水、拿东西、看书、看电视、听音乐,这是对盲人生活的尝试,结果因为诸事不便,心中非常沮丧;
 通过梳理记叙的要素可以概括第二件事的内容:事情的起因——孩子睡了“我”的床,“我”无处可睡,经过——“我”睡在孩子的床上,结果——无法入睡,因此可以简单地概括为“睡孩子的床无法安睡”。
 对于作者的写作目的,可以通过看标题和分析文章内容的方法来把握。这篇文章的题目《穿着别人的鞋子走路》以比喻的形式形象地告诉人们,要站在别人的角度来考虑问题;而文中所记叙的两件事都是处在别人位置上的感受,也说明了这个道理。


1. 分析文章标题
2. 分析文中的议论抒情句

那是一年夏天的事。…… (《夏日原野上的追赶》节选)


3. 抓住文中人物的重要语言去分析
4. 分析文中含义深刻的句子
5. 运用归纳法概括文章的主旨

我只在故乡呆了六年,以后就离乡背井,漂泊天涯。在济南住了十多年,在北京度过四年,又回到济南呆了一年,然后到欧洲住了近十一年,重又回到北京,到现在已经四十多年了。在这期间,我曾到过世界将近三十个国家,我看过许许多多的月亮。在风光旖旎的瑞士莱茫湖上,在平沙无垠的非洲大沙漠中,在碧波万顷的大海中,在巍峨雄奇的高山上,我都看到过月亮,这些月亮应该说都是美妙绝伦的,我都异常喜欢。但是,看到它们,我立刻就想到我故乡那苇坑上面和水中的那个小月亮。对比之下,无论如何我也感到,这些广阔世界的大月亮,万万比不上我那心爱的小月亮。不管我离开我的故乡多少万里,我的心立刻就飞来了。我的小月亮,我永远忘不掉你! (《月是故乡明》节选)

思考 作者描写世界各地美妙绝伦的月亮,其用意是什么?


 无论是在风光旖旎的瑞士莱茫湖上、平沙无垠的非洲大沙漠中,还是在碧波万顷的大海中、巍峨雄奇的高山上,作者所见到的月亮,都比不上在家乡所看到的月亮,它们无时无刻不勾起作者对家乡那轮月亮的思念。因此,写世界各地的月亮,目的是为了和故乡的月亮形成对比,突出作者对故乡的思念之情。



1. 理解多义词的选项。

例1 剩下的生命越是短暂,我愈要使之过得丰盈充实。 (《热爱生命》)
 “丰盈”一次有两个含义:一指身体丰满,二指富裕。从文中看,形容生命的价值,应该选用“丰富”这一词义。

例2 这朦胧的橘红的光,实在照不了多远,但这小姑娘的镇定、勇敢、乐观的精
神鼓舞了我,我似乎觉得眼前有无限光明。 (《小橘灯》)
 “朦胧”的两个词义分别是“月光不明”和“不清楚,模糊”,在文中,用来形容小橘灯的光,很明显应该用后一个词义。
例3 天使的声音在耳边吹拂,这是老师的吗?我怔了一下,缓过神,这“批评”
 “硝烟味”在这里运用的是比喻义,指老师语气的严厉或大声的批评、呵斥。

2. 揣摩词语的指代义或概括义。

例4 对于叔叔回国这桩十拿九稳的事,大家还议定了上千种计划。甚至计划到要用这 位叔叔的钱置一所别墅。我不敢肯定父亲对于这个计划是不是进行了商谈。 (《我的叔叔于勒》)
 文中的代词“这个”指的就是前文提到的用叔叔的钱置一所别墅的计划。

3. 揣摩词语的特殊含义。

例5 鸟儿将巢安在繁华嫩叶当中,高兴起来了,呼朋引伴地卖弄清脆的喉咙,唱出宛转的曲子,跟清风流水应和着。 (《春》)
 “卖弄”的本义是有意地显示自己的本事,带有贬义色彩,但文中指鸟鸣的清脆悦耳,烘托出春天和悦的气氛。

例6 我希望他们不再像我,又大家隔膜起来……然而我又不愿意他们因为要一气,都如我的辛苦碾转而生活,也不愿意他们都如闰土的辛苦麻木而生活,也不愿意都如别人的辛苦恣睢而生活。 (《故乡》)
 文中的三个“辛苦”因为指代的对象不同,就有了不同的含义。第一个“辛苦”指如“我”一样的奔波劳碌;第二个“辛苦”指如闰土一样的辛勤劳苦;第三个则指如官绅一类人的生活,他们行为放纵而凶暴,胡作非为。

4. 理解词语的深层意义。

例7 我到现在终于没有见——大约孔乙己的确死了。 (《故乡》)

 文中“大约”和“的确”看似矛盾,其实隐含深意:从前文所叙述的情节并不能断定孔乙己一定是死了,所以说是“大约”,但是,联系孔乙己生活的时代背景,联系作者的写作意图去理解,作为失去谋生能力的孔乙己,“死”是其必然的结局,所以说是“的确”。在轻描淡写之中,控诉了那个社会制度的恶罪。
例8 一踏进两行菜篮的中间,就总会感觉到菜篮的后面那一双双渴望的目光。……若是你摇摇头走开了,你背后的目光便暗淡下来。 (《买菜的心情》)

 “暗淡”一词形象地表现了卖菜人心中的失望。


思考 根据文意,说说下面加点的词语“错误”的具体含义是什么?


 我们在理解“错误”这个词的含义时,一定要放在语境中去考察。
 从前文可以知道藏羚羊受到了威胁,而“我”在看到自己的照相器材时知道了它所受的威胁来自于“我”那形状像抢的长镜头,再结合语段的最后一句话就可以正确把握“错误”一词在文中的含义。



1. 从关键词语入手理解句子含义。

例1 第二天,他在阳光温暖的抚触下,从极深的禅室里睁开眼睛,看到他披在小偷身上的外衣被整齐叠好,放在门口。阐师非常高兴,喃喃地说:“我终于送了他一轮明月!” (《送一轮明月》)

 要理解文中画线句子的含义,首先要从关键词“明月”入手,“明月”的特点是照亮黑暗,而小偷的心灵之地正缺少“明月”,这样,我们就可以理解这句话的意思:禅师以自己的行为感化了小偷,使他从黑暗的生活中走出,有了光明的人生。

2. 结合写作手法,体会句子深层的含义。
例2 过了一阵之后,作家又觉得未改行,原来创作同摆渡一样,目的都是把人渡到前面的彼岸去。 (《摆渡》)

 从句子所用的表现手法看,这句话运用了比喻的修辞手法,把作家的作用比作是渡工“摆渡”,我们抓住他们的共同点“由此岸到彼岸”即可理解这句话的含义:作家的作用在于用自己文章中的真情实感去感染读者,引导人们净化心灵,走向精神升华的彼岸。

3. 联系作者情感、作品主旨理解句子含义。
例3 这样,我们在阳光下,向着那菜花、桑树和鱼塘走去。到了一处,我蹲下来,背起了母亲,妻子也蹲下来,背起了儿子。我的母亲虽然高大,然而很瘦,自然不算重;儿子虽然很胖,毕竟幼小,自然也轻,但我和妻子都是慢慢地、稳稳地,走得很仔细,好像我背上的和她背上的加起来,就是整个世界。

 “妻”的背上是儿子,“我”的背上有母亲,我们两人的背上,背负着的其实整个家庭的重担。从文章的写作意图来看,作者所要表现的不仅是中青年人对家庭的承前启后的重任,也表现他们的社会责任感。理解了这一点,便不难理解画线句子的含义:我们(中青年人)的背上承担着整个家庭和社会的重任。

我心里暗笑他的迂:他们只认得钱,托他们只是白托!而且我这样大年纪的人,难道还不能料理自己么?唉,我现在想想,那时真是太聪明了。 (《背影》)

思考 文中画线的句子有什么含义?


 要理解画线句子的含义,可以从理解词语“聪明”入手,文中所说的“聪明”,其实是事后反省自己时的自责之语,这里是反话,意思是责备自己当时“聪明过分”,其实是一点也不聪明。



接替他的,是一个较小的姑娘。姑娘没有勇气涉过小溪,更谈不上背孩子渡水, 于是一到雨天黄昏,对岸就排着一支家长的队伍,一律裤腿高挽。
姑娘至今还在山村小学,教着四年级的50名学生。 《桥》

思考 小说《桥》中的两个人物做着帮学生过河的同一件事,但人物形象有没有差别?


 我们通过对小说故事情节的分析可以知道:前者背学生过河,显得陈旧落后,不能适应当今社会发展的新形势;后者想方设法在河上架起一座桥,具有开拓创新精神,能够顺应今天时代发展的需要。


1. 欣赏文章中的人物形象。
(1) 把握人物形象的思想、性格特征。
i. 从情节入手,把握人物思想性格。作品中人物的思想性格是在情节发展之中表现出来的,并随着故事情节的发展逐步完善,所以要把人物放在一定的故事情节之中理解其思想性格。
…… (《虚掩着的门》)

(2) 通过分析小说对人物的外貌、语言、动作、心理等方面的描写入手,把握人物思想性格。



五十年代的幸福好简单,也好值得回味。 节选自游乾桂《谱写幸福的滋味》
1. “隐伏于锅底的宝物”指的是 ________________。

2. “将它慢慢地放入口中,混着口液,眯着双眼……”表示出的是
A 食不下咽的模样。

3. “五十年代的幸福好简单”,意思是
A 当时的人心思单纯 B 当时的物价比较低廉
C 当时的人比较知足惜福 D 当时的人比较重视过年

答案: 1碎肉片 2 C 3 C

1. 第一段的意思是
A 时光易逝,青春不在。 C 得到了名利却迷失了心灵。
B 说明欲速不达的道理。 D 年轻时常随波逐流,缺乏主见。
2. 第二段“不同的价值观”,指的是心灵的
A 落叶归根 B 返璞归真
C 改邪归正 D 万境归空

3. 根据本文,下列何者不是“大自然美丽生命的呼唤”?
A 年轻的欢笑声
B 草叶间的风声
C 海洋起伏的呼吸
D 夜里一地的月光

答案:1 C 2 B 3 A

“雅舍”最宜月夜——地势较高,得月较先。看山头吐月,红盘乍涌,一霎间,清光四射,天空皎洁,四野无声,微闻犬吠,坐客无不悄然!舍前有两棵梨树,等到月升中天,清光丛树间筛洒而来,地上阴影斑斓,此时尤为幽绝。直到兴阑人散,归房就寝,月光仍逼近窗来,助我凄凉。 节选自梁实秋《雅舍小品》

1. 本文主要在描写雅舍的__________________。

2. “山头吐月,红盘乍涌”是形容_____________________。

3. 根据文中的描写,“地上阴影斑斓”,呈现出的是什么景象?
B 水泼撒到地面上

答案: 1月夜景象 2月亮渐渐从山边升起的样子 3 D


1. “在逆境中要忍耐,不要让不顺利的环境、失意的打击一再影响自己”,意思近于
A 出师未捷身先死,常使英雄泪满襟。 C 羌笛何须怨杨柳,春风不度玉门关。
B 不经一番寒彻骨,哪得梅花扑鼻香。 D 此情可待成追忆,只是当时已惘然。
2. 作者为什么认为“得意中更要忍耐”?

3. 根据你对“六书”的认识,“忍”字应该是
A 象形字 B指事字
C会意字 D 形声字

答案: 1 B 2过于骄傲容易导致失败 3 D

可是,假如你时常担心别人背后对你的谈论,而要千方百计地去打听的话,传话的人可能会把事情夸张些或歪曲些。这样一来,本是无意之间的闲谈,就会成为相当严重的有意的中伤,当然就会影响到朋友之间的感情。 节选自罗兰《宽以待人》

1. 下列哪一项不是“静坐常思已过”的好处?

2. “假如我们都知道别人在背后怎样讨论我们的话,恐怕连一个朋友也没有了。”这句话主要的用意是在提醒我们什么?

3. 本文认为,人们背后一时兴之所至,谈论他人的过失或缺点,是
A 不够朋友的表现 B 歪曲事实的表现
C 人之常情的表现 D 性格卑劣的表现

答案: 1 D 2背后的闲话不需认真计较 3 C

读书并不在多,最重要的是选得精,读得彻底。与其读十部无关轻重的书,不如以读十部书的时间和精力去读一部真正值得读的书;与其读十部书都只能泛览一遍,不如取一部书精读十遍。“好书不厌百回读,熟读深思子自知”这两句诗值得每个读书人悬为座右铭。读书原为自己受用,多读不能算荣誉,少读也不能算羞耻。少读如果彻底,必能养成深思熟虑的习惯,涵泳优游,以至于变化气质;多读而不求甚解,则如驰骋十里洋场,虽珍奇满目,徒惹心花意乱,空手而归。世间许多人读书只为装点门面。如暴发户炫耀家私,以多为贵。这在治学方面是自欺欺人,在做人方面是趣味低劣。 节选自朱光潜《谈读书》

1. 作者认为,真正的读书应该是
A 多读而不求甚解 B 熟读深思好的作品
C读书多是最高的荣誉 D 书读得少的人通常兴趣也比较低劣

2. “世间许多人读书只为装点门面”意思是
A 为了提高身份与地位而读书 B 为了养成深思熟虑的习惯
C 可以出口成章,充实内涵 D 想赚大钱住豪宅

3. 根据本文,哪一个不是读书的目的?
A 自己受益 B 变化气质
C 受人尊敬 D 养成深思熟虑的习惯

答案: 1 B 2 A 3 C

在千年以后,也许会有人对我留下的痕迹反复观看,反复把玩,并且会忍不住轻轻地叹息:“这是一颗怎样固执又怎样简单的心啊!” 节选自席慕蓉《贝壳》

1. 本文表现出作者什么样的生活态度?

2. 作者从一枚小贝壳中得到什么启示?
A 生于忧患,死于安乐。 C 万物静观皆自得,四时佳兴与人同。
B 君子疾没世而名不称焉。 D 人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月。

3. 作者所谓“我留下的痕迹”,应该是指
A 贝壳 B 砂粒 C 固执的心 D 文艺创作

答案: 1积极进取 2 B 3 D


1. 作者举老张的例子,告诉我们如果得礼不让人,可能会
A 马到成功 B功亏一篑
C 弄假成真 D 头破血流

2. “做坏事的人自知理屈,能忍受一切盘根错节之处”,文中“盘根错节”是比喻事情______。

3. 为什么“好人会办坏好事”?

答案: 1 B 2复杂难处理 3因为好人常任性,缺乏成事必须的韧性。

如此看来,写作和生活实在很密切。多读书才能改变气质,增加心灵的视野,思想的深度。而培养个人的条理纪律,保持不随便任意评论的习惯;以及如同面对自己喜爱的文字,对自己喜爱的事物,如不切实际,就要割舍。写作,能够发表,甚至得到知音,也有实质的收获,那是最好不过的事。否则,以写作来训练自己对于生活的态度,增加自己内在的克制力,启发智性潜能,也都是极为有意义的人生练习。 节选自杨国明《人生练习——写作》
1. “容易感觉文思苦涩难以为继,或搜寻枯肠,敷衍成篇”的原因是什么?

2. “写作需割爱”,意思是文章
A 需触类旁通 B贵精不贵多
C 不需引用太多事例 D 不要随便任意评论

3. 作者认为写作和生活的关系
A 毫无关系 B 非常密切
C 写作对生活毫无实质助益 D 写作对生活是一种甜蜜的负担

4. 下列哪一句成语是对文章内容正面的夸奖?
A 索然寡味 B 不知所云
C旁征博引 D味同嚼蜡

答案: 1读书少,学识不足。 2 B 3 B 4 C

1. 第三段“没有温暖的家”是什么意思?
2. 请根据文章内容对“没有温暖”作出具体说明。
3. 文章第四段说“读这留言,女孩感到报复的快意”,请写出这“留言”中所包含的“报复的快意”。
4. 把“母亲”的三次“寻人启事”看作一个变化过程,你从中读出了什么?女儿三次读“寻人启事”及给母亲打电话后的心态变化说明了什么?

1. 母亲只顾挣钱,忽略了对女儿的精神关爱。
2. 对女儿限制太多。
3. 女孩借母亲的话来讽刺母亲;没有你,我活的更好;我可能利用美貌作为资本来求得生存。
4. 母亲认识到了自己的不足,正在改变对女儿的态度。女儿一步一步理解了母亲,加深了对母亲的感情。

Differences of Ionic Compound and Covalent Compound

Covalent Compound – covalent bonding is strong bonding between the atoms in the molecule
Ionic Compound Differences Covalent Compound
Ions Particles Molecules
Lost or gained Electron Shared
Strong electrostatics forces (Ionic bond) between the oppositely-charged ions arranged in a 3-D giant crystal lattice Forces Strong (Covalent bond) between the atoms in the molecule. Weak forces of attraction between the molecules (van der Waals’ forces)
Solid State Gases or volatile liquids
High Melting point Low (Simple molecules)High (Giant molecules)
High Melting point Low (Simple molecules)High (Giant molecules)
Non-volatile Volatility Very volatile (Simple molecules)Non-volatile (Giant molecules)
Dissolve in water and polar solvents Solubility in water Do not dissolve in water
Do not dissolve in organic solvent Solubility in organic solvent Dissolve in organic solvent (ether, alcohol, benzene, tetrachloromethane and propanone)
Conduct electricity in liquid and aqueous solution (positive and negative ions can move freely). Cannot conduct electricity in solid state (fixed position and cannot move freely). Electricity conductor Cannot conduct electricity in any state (no free mobile ions)
Uses of covalent compounds as solvent
  • Ether – solvents in the extraction of chemicals from aqueous solution
  • Alcohol – solvents used to make ink and dye because these solvent are volatile
  • Turpentine – dissolved paint
  • CFC (chlorofluocarbons) – solvents to clean computer circuits board
  • Propanone – remove nail varnish

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Predict the Products of Electrolysis of Aqueous Solutions

Predict the Products of Electrolysis of Aqueous Solutions
Main factor: Position of ions in the electrochemical series
  • Cation: The higher the position in the electrochemical series are very stable (remain as cation). Example: K+ and Na+ are never discharged in an aqueous solution in electrolysis.
  • Anions: The higher the position in the electrochemical series are very stable (remain as anion). Example: F - and SO42- are never discharged in an aqueous solution in electrolysis.
Second factor: Concentration of the electrolyte
Third factor: Types of electrode as anode
Electrolysis in Industries
A. Extraction of reactive metals
  • Reactive metals: Sodium, calcium, magnesium and aluminium extract from their compounds
  • Example: extraction of aluminium from aluminium oxide, Al2O3 (bauxite) by using cryolite, Na3AlF6 at 980˚C.
B. Purification of metals
  • Anode: impure metal
  • Cathode: pure metal
  • Electrolyte: solution containing the ions of the metal to be purified
  • Example: purification of impure copper metal.
C. Electroplating of metals
  • Electroplating is a process of coating the surface of metal objects with a thin and even layer of another metal.
  • Importance of electroplating is to prevent corrosion and improve the appearance.
  • Cathode: object to be electroplated
  • Anode: pure plating metal
  • Electrolyte: aqueous solution contains plating metal ions

Electrolysis of Molten Compounds

Electrolysis of Molten Compounds
  • Electrolysis (with battery / electricity current) is a process of decomposition / breaking down / separation of a compound (electrolyte) into its constituent elements when electric current passes through it.
Important definition
Anode Electrode connected to the positive terminal (+) of a battery
Cathode Electrode connected to the negative terminal (-) of a battery
Anion Negatively-charged ion. Example: Cl-, SO42- and O2-
Cation Positively-charged ion. Example: Na+, Zn2+ and Al3+
Classification of electrodes
Inert electrodes Electrodes that do not take part in chemical reactions during electrolysis Carbon or platinum
Active electrodes Electrodes that take part in chemical reactions during electrolysis Copper or zinc

Electrolysis of Aqueous Compounds (dissolved in water, H2O)
There are three important factors to determine the types of ions to be discharged at the electrodes.
  1. Positions of ions in the electrochemical series
  2. Concentration of ions in the solution
  3. Types of electrodes used
1. Positions of ions in the electrochemical series
The lower the position of the ion in the electrochemical series, the easier the ion is selectively discharged.
Electrochemical series:
Cation Anion
K+ F-
Na+ SO42-
Ca2+ NO3-
Mg2+ Cl-
Al3+ Br-
Zn2+ I-
Fe2+ OH-

2. Effect of concentration of ions in the solution
The concentration of a particular type of ion is high = ion more likely to be discharged in electrolysis.

3. Types of electrodes used in the electrolysis
There are 2 important notes:
  • Inert electrodes: Carbon and platinum (Both of these electrodes do not react with the electrolytes or products of electrolysis)
  • Active electrodes: Silver, copper and nickel (Active anode ionises and concentration of cations in the electrolyte does not change)


Voltaic Cell 
  • Electrolytes are substances that can conduct electricity in molten or aqueous state and undergo chemical changes.
  • It can conduct electricity due to the presence of free moving ions.
Example for electrolytes (alkalis, acids, salt solution or molten salt):
  • molten lead(II) chloride
  • copper(II) sulphate solution
  • solution containing ions such as hydrochloride acid
  • Non-electrolytes are molecules that cannot conduct electricity and will not undergo any chemical changes.
  • It cannot conduct electricity due to the absent of free moving ions.
Example of non-electrolytes (covalent substances):
  • molten acetone
  • molten naphthalene
  • glucose solution
  • Conductors are substances that can conduct electricity in solid or molten state but do not undergo any chemical changes.
  • It can conduct electricity due to the flow of electrons.
Example of conductor:
  • iron
  • graphite
  • mercury
Ionic Compounds
Solid state Molten state or aqueous state (dissolved in water)
Do not conduct electricity Can conduct electricity
Ions are held in a lattice -
Ions do not move freely Ions are free to move
Covalent Compounds
Solid state Molten state or aqueous state (dissolved in water)
Do not conduct electricity Do not conduct electricity
Exist in molecules Exist in molecules
Molecules do not have free moving ions Exception: HCl and NH3 exist as free moving ions in water

Chemical Equation

Chemical Equation
1. Importance of chemical equation:
The types of reactants; the physical conditions; the quantity of reactants and products and stated in moles.
nA + nB –> pC + pD
2. Reactants are written in the left side of the reaction and products are written in the right side of the reaction.

3. Information obtainable from chemical equations.
  • i) mass of reactants
  • ii) volume of reacting gas
  • iii) mass of products formed
  • iv) volume of gas produced

  • Example:
    2 cm3 of lead (II) nitrate solution is added to excess of potassium iodide solution.
    How many molecules of potassium nitrate will be formed?
    [Relative atomic mass: N, 14; O, 16; K, 39; I, 127; Pb, 207; Avogadro's constant: 6.02 x 1023 mol-1]
Step 1: Write a complete chemical equation.
  • Pb(NO3)2(aq) + 2KI(aq) –> PbI2(s) + 2KNO3(aq)
  • From the equation, 1 mole of Pb(NO3)2 reacts with 2 moles of KI formed 1 mole PbI2 of and 2 moles of KNO3.
Step 2: Convert to moles.
  • No. of moles of Pb(NO3)2
    = Mass of Pb(NO3)2 / Relative molecular mass
    = 2 / [207 + 2(14 + 3 x 16)]
    = 6.04 x 10-3 mol
Step 3: Ratio of moles.
  • Number of moles of KNO3/ Number of moles of Pb(NO3)2
    = 2/1
  • Number of moles of KNO3
    = (2 x 6.04 x 10-3) / 1
    = 12.08 x 10-3 mol
Step 4: Convert to the number of molecules of potassium nitrate.
  • Number of molecules of KNO3
    = 12.08 x 10-3 x 6.02 x 1023
    = 7.27 x 1021

Empirical and Molecular Formulae

Empirical and Molecular Formulae
1. Empirical (simplest ratio of atoms of each element that present in the compound) and molecular formulae (actual number of atoms of each element that are present in one molecule of the compound) indicate:
  • the types of the elements
  • the symbols of the elements and the ratio of atoms or
  • moles of atoms of each element in a compound.
2. Molecular formula = (empirical formula)n
n is a positive number
Compound Molecular formula n Empirical formula
Carbon dioxide CO2 1 (CO2) = CO2
Ethane CH3 2 (CH3)2 = C2H6
Propene CH2 3 (CH2)3 = C3H6
Glucose CH2O 6 (CH2O)6 = C6H12O6
Quinine C10H12NO 2 C20H24N2O2
3. Chemical formulae for covalent compounds.
Name Chemical formula Number of each element
Nitrogen gas N2 2 nitrogen atoms
Oxygen gas O2 2 oxygen atoms
Ammonia NH3 1 nitrogen atom and 3 hydrogen atoms
Water H2O 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom
4. Cations are positively-charged ions.
Charge Cations Formula
+1 Ammonium ion NH4+
+1 * Copper(I) ion Cu+
+1 Hydrogen ion H+
+1 Lithium ion Li+
+1 * Nickel(I) ion Ni+
+1 Potassium ion K+
+1 Silver ion Ag+
+1 Sodium ion Na+
+2 Barium ion Ba2+
+2 Calcium ion Ca2+
+2 * Copper(II) ion Cu2+
+2 * Iron(II) ion Fe2+
+2 * Lead(II) ion Pb2+
+2 Magnesium ion Mg2+
+2 * Manganese(II) ion Mn2+
+2 Nickel(II) ion Ni2+
+2 * Tin(II) ion Sn2+
+2 Zinc ion Zn2+
+3 Aluminium ion Al3+
+3 * Chromium(III) ion Cr3+
+3 * Iron(III) ion Fe3+
+4 * Lead(IV) ion Pb4+
+4 * Tin(IV) ion Sn4+
* refer to the Roman numerals
5. Anions are negatively-charged ions.
Charge Anions Formula
-1 Bromide ion Br-
-1 Chloride ion Cl-
-1 Chlorate(V) ion ClO3-
-1 Ethanoate ion CH3COO-
-1 Fluoride ion F-
-1 Hydride ion H-
-1 Hydroxide ion OH-
-1 Iodide ion I-
-1 Manganate(VII) ion MnO4-
-1 Nitrate ion NO3-
-1 Nitrite ion NO2-
-2 Oxide ion O2-
-2 Carbonate ion CO32-
-2 Chromate(VI) ion CrO42-
-2 Dichromate(VI) ion Cr2O72-
-2 Sulphide ion S2-
-2 Sulphate ion SO42-
-2 Sulphite ion SO32-
-2 Thiosulphate ion S2O32-
-3 Nitride ion N3-
-3 Phosphate ion PO43-
-3 Phosphite ion PO33-
6. Chemical formulae for ionic compounds
Name Chemical formula Number of cation Number of anion
Zinc chloride ZnCl2 1 Zn2+ 2 Cl-
Copper(II) sulphate CuSO4 2 Cu2+ 2 SO42-
Aluminium sulphate Al2(SO4)3 2 Al3+ 3 SO42-
7. Meaning of prefixes
Prefix Meaning
Mono- 1
Di- 2
Tri- 3
Tetra- 4
Penta- 5
Hexa- 6
Hepta- 7
Octa- 8
Nona- 9
Deca- 10
8. Naming of chemical (non-metal) compounds with Greek numerical prefixes.
Non-metal compound Chemical formula
Carbon monoxide CO
Carbon dioxide CO2
Sulphur dioxide SO2
Sulphur trioxide SO3
Carbon tetrachloride (tetrachloromethane) CCl4

Chemical Formulae

1. Relative atomic mass, Ar is the atomic mass of an atom when compared to a standard atom
2. Standard atom:

Carbon scale: standard atom of comparison internationally.
  • a carbon-12 atom is 12 times heavier than an atom of hydrogen,
  • used as the reference standard in mass spectrometers,
  • exists as a solid at room temperature,
  • most abundant carbon isotope, happening about 98.89% and
  • carbon-12 is close to the agreement based on oxygen.
3. Relative molecular mass, Mr of a substances is the average mass of a molecule (two or more atoms) of the substances when compared 1/12 with of the mass of a carbon-12 atom.
4. Relative formula mass, Fr is for ionic compound which is calculated by adding up the relative atomic masses of all the atoms.

5. Avogadro constant / Avogadro’s number is 6.02 x 1023
6. Atomic substances
  • Elements – all the particles are atoms.
  • Example: zinc (Zn), sodium (Na), aluminium (Al) and all noble gases, argon (Ar), helium (He) and neon (Ne).
  • RAM (Relative Atomic Mass) of  Na = 23
7. Molecular substances
  • Covalent compounds – the particles are molecules.
  • Example: carbon dioxide (CO2), water (H2O) and non-metal elements, iodine (I2), nitrogen (N2) and oxygen (O2).
  • RMM (Relative Molecular Mass) of I2 = 127 + 127 = 254
8. Ionic substances
  • Ionic compounds – the particles are ions.
  • Example: sodium chloride (NaCl), hydrochloric acid (HCl) and potassium iodide (KI).
  • RFM (Relative Formula Mass) of HCl = 1 + 35.5 = 36.5
9. Avogadro’s Law / Gas Law states that equal volumes of all gases contain the same number of molecules under the same temperature and pressure.
  • Example: equal volumes of molecular hydrogen and nitrogen would contain the same number of molecules under the same temperature and pressure.
10. Volume of gas (dm3) = Number of moles of gas x Molar volume
11. Room temperature and pressure (r.t.p.) = 24 dm3 mol-1 (25°C and 1 atm)

Ionic Bonds

Ionic Bonds
  • It is a chemical bond formed from the transfer of electrons from metal atoms to non-metal atoms
  • Metal atoms donate valence electrons to form positive ions (cations, Mb+) and achieve the stable duplet or octet electron arrangement of the noble gases
  • Non-metal atoms receive electrons to form negative ions (anions, Xa-) and achieve the stable duplet or octet electron arrangement of the noble gases
  • Cations and anions are attracted to each other by strong electrostatic force of attraction
Metal + Non-metal –> Ionic compound
Sodium + bromine –> Sodium bromide
Calcium + chlorine –> Calcium chloride
Lithium + oxygen –> Lithium oxide
Aluminium + nitrogen –> Aluminium nitride
Group 1
  • A lithium atom with an electron arrangement of 2.1 achieves stability after it donates one valence electron to form a lithium ion, Li+. The electron arrangement of the lithium ion, Li+, is 2 with stable duplet electron arrangement.
  • A sodium atom with an electron arrangement of 2.8.1 achieves stability after it donates one valence electron to form a sodium ion, Na+. The electron arrangement of the sodium ion, Na+, is 2.8 with stable octet electron arrangement.
  • A potassium atom with an electron arrangement of achieves stability after it donates one valence electron to form a potassium ion, K+. The electron arrangement of the potassium ion, K+, is 2.8.8 with stable octet electron arrangement.
Group 2
  • A magnesium atom with an electron arrangement of 2.8.2 achieves stability after it donates two valence electrons to form a magnesium ion, Mg2+. The electron arrangement of the magnesium ion, Mg2+, is 2.8 with stable octet electron arrangement.
  • A calcium atom with an electron arrangement of achieves stability after it donates two valence electrons to form a calcium ion, Ca2+. The electron arrangement of the calcium ion, Ca2+, is 2.8.8 with stable octet electron arrangement.
Group 13
  • An aluminium atom with an electron arrangement of achieves stability after it donates three valence electrons to form an alumium ion, Al3+. The electron arrangement of the aluminium ion, Al3+, is 2.8.8 with stable octet electron arrangement.
Group 15
  • A nitrogen atom with an electron arrangement of 2.5 achieves stability after it accepts three valence electrons to form a nitride ion, N3-. The electron arrangement of the nitride ion, N3-, is 2.8 with stable octet electron arrangement.
  • A phosphorus atom with an electron arrangement of 2.8.5 achieves stability after it accepts three valence electrons to form a phosphoride ion, P3-. The electron arrangement of the phosphoride ion, P3-, is 2.8.8 with stable octet electron arrangement.
Group 16
  • An oxygen atom with an electron arrangement of 2.6 achieves stability after it accepts two valence electrons to form a oxide ion, O2-. The electron arrangement of the oxide ion, O2-, is 2.8 with stable octet electron arrangement.
  • A sulphur atom with an electron arrangement of 2.8.6 achieves stability after it accepts two valence electrons to form a sulphide ion, S2-. The electron arrangement of the sulphide ion, S2-, is 2.8.8 with stable octet electron arrangement.
Group 17
  • A fluorine atom with an electron arrangement of 2.7 achieves stability after it accepts one valence electron to form a fluoride ion, F -. The electron arrangement of the fluoride ion, F -, is 2.8 with stable octet electron arrangement.
  • A chlorine atom with an electron arrangement of 2.8.7 achieves stability after it accepts one valence electron to form a chloride ion, Cl -. The electron arrangement of the chloride ion, Cl -, is 2.8.8 with stable octet electron arrangement.
Predict the Formula of an Ionic Compound
  • Cation Mb+
  • Anion Xa-
  • Formula of an ionic compound formed, MaXb
Formulae for ionic compound
Metal atom, M Non-metal atom, X Ionic Compound
Group 1 Group 15 M3X
Group 1 Group 16 M2X
Group 1 Group 17 MX
Group 2 Group 15 M3X2
Group 2 Group 16 MX
Group 2 Group 17 MX2
Group 13 Group 15 MX
Group 13 Group 16 M2X3
Group 13 Group 17 MX3
Some common ionic compound
  • Sodium chloride (NaCl)
  • Magnesium oxide (MgO)
  • Calcium sulphide (CaS)
  • Potassium oxide (K2O)
  • Magnesium fluoride (MgF2)

Structure of ionic compounds
  • The oppositely-charged ions, Mb+ and Xa- are attracted to each other by a strong electrostatic force.
  • It form a rigid 3-dimensional lattice structure
  • Formed crystal.
  • Giant ionic lattice.

Covalent Bonds

Covalent Bonds
  • It is a chemical bond formed from the sharing of valence electrons between non-metal atoms to achieve the stable duplet of octet electron arrangement.
  • Each shared pair of electrons is as one covalent bond.
  • It produces molecules.
  • Usually the covalent bonds form between non-metal atoms from Group 15, 16 and 17 and sometimes can be formed from Group 14 (carbon and silicon) and hydrogen.
  • Covalent bond can be formed from atoms of the same element and atoms of different elements.
Non-metal + Non-metal –> Covalent compound
Bromine + bromine –> Bromine (Br2)
Nitrogen + nitrogen –> Nitrogen (N2)
Carbon + chlorine –> Tetrachloromethane (CCl4)
Hydrogen + oxygen –> Water (H2O)
Hydrogen + nitrogen –> Ammonia (NH3)
Types of covalent bond formed:
  • Single bond = one pair of electrons shared between two atoms.
  • Double bond = two pair of electrons shared between two atoms.
  • Triple bond = three pair of electrons shared between two atoms.
Group 15
  • A nitrogen atom with an electron arrangement of 2.5 needs three more electrons to achieve stable octet electron arrangement after it contribute (through sharing) three valence electrons to another atom (can be from Group 14, 15, 16, 17).
  • A phosphorus atom with an electron arrangement of 2.8.5 need three more electrons to achieve stable octet electron arrangement after it contribute (through sharing) three valence electrons to another atom (can be from Group 14, 15, 16, 17).
Group 16
  • An oxygen atom with an electron arrangement of 2.6 needs two more electrons to achieve stable octet electron arrangement after it contribute (through sharing) two valence electrons to another atom (can be from Group 14, 15, 16, 17).
  • A sulphur atom with an electron arrangement of 2.8.6 need two more electrons to achieve stable octet electron arrangement after it contribute (through sharing) two valence electrons to another atom (can be from Group 14, 15, 16, 17).
Group 17
  • A fluorine atom with an electron arrangement of 2.7 needs one more electron to achieve stable octet electron arrangement after it contribute (through sharing) one valence electron to another atom (can be from Group 14, 15, 16, 17).
  • A chlorine atom with an electron arrangement of 2.8.7 need one more electron to achieve stable octet electron arrangement after it contribute (through sharing) one valence electron to another atom (can be from Group 14, 15, 16, 17).
Predict the Formula of a Covalent Compound
  • Non-metal X atom (valence electron is a)
  • Combine with another non-metal Y atom (valence electron is b)
  • b = simplest ratio (n) and a = simplest ratio (m)
  • Formula of a covalent compound formed, XnYm
 Some common covalent compound
  • Hydrogen molecule, H2 (single bond)
  • Chlorine molecule, Cl2 (single bond)
  • Bromine molecule, Br2 (single bond)
  • Fluorine molecule, F2 (single bond)
  • Water molecule, H2O (single bond)
  • Nitrogen trifluoride molecule, NF3 (single bond)
  • Tetrachoromethane / carbon tetrachloride, CCl4 (single bond)
  • Ammonia molecule, NH3 (single bond)
  • Oxygen molecule, O2 (double bond)
  • Carbon dioxide molecule, CO2 (double bond)
  • Nitrogen molecule, N2 (triple bond)
  • Ethyne molecule, C2H2 (triple bond)
Structure of covalent compounds
  • Can be simple molecular structure or giant molecular structure.
  • The atoms in the molecule are joined together by strong covalent bond but intermolecular forces are weak by weak van der Waals’ forces.

Chemical Bonds

Formation of Compounds
  • Compounds – different elements that chemically bonded together
  • Octet electron arrangement – electron arrangement of an atom where the outermost occupied shell is filled with eight valence electrons
  • Duplet electron arrangement – electron arrangement of an atom where a single shell filled with two valence electrons
Compound water is hydrogen and oxygen atoms are chemically bonded together.
Stability of Noble Gases
  • Atom of noble gas does not gain, lose nor share electrons with other atoms.
  • Noble gas atoms do not combine with atoms of other elements to form compounds or with each other to form molecules.
  • Noble gases are chemically unreactive.
  • Noble gases exist as monoatomic.
Chemical Bonds
Chemical Bond
Chemical Bond
Types of chemical bonds:
  • ionic bonds (metal + non-metal)
  • covalent bonds (non-metal + non-metal)
Atoms of other elements can achieve the stable octet electron arrangement by
  • transfer of electrons
  • sharing of electrons

Cell Organisation

Cell Organisation
Unicellular – A single cell performs all the basic life process. Example: Amoeba sp., Paramecium sp., Chlamydomonas, Bacteria and Euglena.
Multicellular – An organism consists of more than one cell. Each group of cell specialized to carry our life processes. Example: Homo sapien (human), animals and plants. It has five levels of organisation
  1. Cells: basic units of structure and function.
    Example: Red blood cells and xylem vessel cells.
  2. Tissues: made up of cells with similar in structure and function.
    Example: Epithelial tissues and vascular tissues.
  3. Organs: made up of tissues that perform a specific function.
    Example: Heart and flower.
  4. System: two of more organs that perform a specific function.
    Example: Digestive system and root system.
  5. Organisms: whole living thing that carry out all the basic life processes.
    Example: Human and durian tree.
Cell Organisation (Unicellular) in Amoeba sp. (lives in freshwater ponds) and Paramecium sp. (lives in soil and moist area)

1. Cell structure
  • Amoeba sp.: plasma membrane, food vacuole, contractile vacuole, pseudopodium, nucleus, ectoplasma, endoplasm.
  • Paramecium sp.: food vacuole, posterior contractile vacuole, cytostome, gullet, oral groove, cilia, macronucleus, micronucleus, anterior contractile vacuole.
2. Locomotion
  • Amoeba sp.: Pseudopodium (false foot) helps it to move forward slowly and it is known as amoeboid movement.
  • Paramecium sp.: Hair-like cilia to beat against water. It beats its cilia backwards diagonally (swim forward) and it rotates on its axis. It beats its cilia forward (swim backwards).
3. Feeding
  • Amoeba sp.: Omnivore. Eat bacteria, plant cells, algae and other microscopic organisms.
  1. Entrapment – extend pseudopodium.
  2. Engulfment – engulf tiny food (phagocytosis) with its pseudopodia.
  3. Digestion – food enclosed in food vacuole
  4. Absorption – enzyme digests the bacteria
  5. Egesting – expel indigestible material.
  • Paramecium sp.: Eat bacteria, organic material and other microscopic organisms.
  1. Sweeping – movement of cilia. Food moves along the oral groove into the gullet and cytostome.
  2. Digestion – food vacuole circulates round the cell.
  3. Elimination – undigested food is eliminated at the anal pore.

4. Reproduction
  • Amoeba sp.: two types of reproduction.
  1. Binary Fission – nucleus divides (favourable condition) and then follows by division of cytoplasm. Two daughter cells are formed (mitotic division).
  2. Spore Formation – spores form (bad condition) and germinate into new amoeba under favourable condition.

  • Paramecium sp.: two types of reproduction.
  1. Binary Fission – micronucleus undergoes mitosis (favourable condition). Macronucleus begins to elongation and form two. Cell content divide and two daughter cells are formed.
  2. Conjugation (Sexual reproduction) – two same species parent paramecia exchange genetic material of their micronuclei. Each parent divides and forms four daughter cells.
5. Osmoregulation
  • Amoeba sp.: water moves into the cell by osmosis and prevention of bursting, it has a contractile vacuole.
  • Paramecium sp.: water moves into the cell by osmosis and prevention of bursting, it has two contractile vacuoles.

6. Respiration
  • Amoeba sp. and Paramecium sp. (both): exchange gases throughout the whole cell membrane
7. Excretion
  • Amoeba sp. and Paramecium sp. (both): waste products are ammonia and carbon dioxide by diffusion. Solid waste in paramecium is expelled through its anal pore.

Cell Organisation (Multicellular) in Human
  1. Cells: Epithelial cells, muscle cells, white blood cells, red blood cells, sperm, nerve cells.
  2. Tissues: Epithelial tissue, smooth muscle tissue, connective tissue, skeletal tissue, nerve tissue.
  3. Organs: Stomach, heart, kidney, lung, liver.
  4. Systems: Circulatory system, respiratory system, digestive system, excretory system, muscular system, lymphatic system, integumentary system, skeletal system, nervous system, endocrine system, reproductive system.
  5. Organisms: Human.
Cell Organisation in Plant
  1. Cells: Parenchyma cells, collenchyma cells, sclerenchyma cells, epidermal cells.
  2. Tissues: Epidermal tissue, meristem tissue, vascular tissue.
  3. Organs: Leaf organ, flower organ, stem organ, root organ.
  4. Systems: Shoot system, root system.
  5. Organisms: Plant.

Cell Structure and Function

Cell Structure and Function
Comparison between Animal Cell (AC) and Plant Cell (PC)
1. Mitochondrion (pl: Mitochondria): AC and PC
  • spherical / rod-shaped organelles
  • two membranes: Inner membrane – form cristae & Outer membrane – regular and smooth
  • an energy source
  • site of cellular aerobic respiration
  • produces ATP (adenosine triphosphate)
2. Nucleus (pl: Nuclei): AC and PC
  • contains the genetic material
  • regulates and controls the activities of the cell
  • an organelle bounded by double (2) layers of nuclear membrane with pores and selectively permeable
  • responsible for all cellular structure, chemical functions, growth and reproduction
  • separates the genetic materials (chromatin) from cytoplasm
3. Nucleolus: AC and PC
  • spherical structure within the nucleus
  • consists of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid) and proteins
  • visible when the cell is not dividing
  • synthesis RNA which is needed to make ribosomes
4. Nucleoplasm: AC and PC
  • fluid contained within the nucleus
  • highly viscous solid
  • made up of the chromatin and the nucleolus
5. Chromosomes
  • thread-like structures (consists of genetic material)
  • appears as chromatin spread throughout the nucleus in the form of tiny granules
  • chromatin condenses into chromosomes (during cell division)
  • carry genetic information in its DNA
6. Ribosomes: Ac and PC

  • small dot-like organelles
  • protein synthesis
  • consist of RNA (ribonucleic acids)
  • smallest cellular organelles
  • attached on the surface of ER and occur freely in cytoplasm
7. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER): AC and PC
  • connected to the nuclear membrane
  • synthesises proteins, steroids and lipids
  • collects, stores and distributes protein, steroids and lipids
  • exists as rough ER and smooth ER
  • Rough ER: covered with ribosomes, flat sealed sac which continued from the nuclear membrane, transports protein, and have a large surface area for chemical reactions.
  • Smooth ER: does not have ribosomes, transports lipids and presents in large amounts of cells.
8. Plasma membrane: AC and PC
  • cell membrane
  • thin membrane surround the cytoplasm of a cell
  • selectively permeable / semi permeable
  • a protective and selective outer barrier
  • consists of phospholipids and protein molecules
 9. Golgi apparatus / Golgi body: AC and PC
  • bound sacs
  • processes, packages and transport molecules synthesised in the cell
  • forms lysosomes
  • transports and stores lipids
  • synthesis of carbohydrate from hormone
  • changes protein into glycoprotein
  • excretes waste products out of the cell
10. Cytoplasm: AC and PC
  • aqueous solution (except nucleus)
  • stores water, enzymes, nutrient, salts and dissolved gases
  • provided support, shape and protects the cell organelles
  • medium for metabolic reactions
  • provides substances
11. Lysosome: AC
  • sac-like organelle with one membrane
  • digest proteins, lipids and carbohydrates
  • removes undigested materials
  • releases enzymes to digest external materials
12Centriole: AC
  • are paired cylindrical organelles
  • nine tubes with three tubules each
  • produces spindle during cell division (mitosis and meiosis)
  • migrate to the opposite poles of the cell (during cell division – will be discussed in Chapter 5 Cell Division)
13. Vacuole: AC (temporary / lower class species) and PC
  • small cavity in the cytoplasm
  • bound by a single membrane
  • filled with cell sap
  • storage of food (protein, oil and water)
  • some vacuoles remove metabolic waste
  • functions as cell expansion
  • Amoeba: food vacuoles (phagocytosis)
  • Paramecium: contractile vacuoles (expel water)
14. Cell Wall: PC
  • rigid and tough cellulose layer surrounding the plasma membrane (cell membrane)
  • protects and supports the cell
  • maintains the shape
  • prevents the cell from busting (excessive intake of water)
  • allows substances to move freely through the cell wall
15. Chloroplast: PC
  • disc / lens-shaped organelle
  • have two membranes: inner and outer membrane
  • contains chlorophyll in the grana to trap sunlight energy
  • carry out photosynthesis in the chlorophyll
  • storage of food and pigments

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