Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Water-soluble Vitamins
Types of Vitamins Sources Functions Effect of deficiency
B1 (thiamine) Milk, legumens, wheatgerm, yeast extract, nuts, whole grains - Precursor of a coenzyme
- Coenzyme for carbohydrates metabolisme
- Beri-beri (muscle weakness, nerve disorder) - Fatigue
B2 (riboflavin) Milk, wheatgerm, liver, eggs - Component of coenzyme
- Healthy nervous system
- Sore eyes - Skin lesions at the corner of mouth, nose and ears
- Inflammation of tongue and lips
B3 (niacin) Liver, rice, legumes, fish, yeast extract - Component of coenzyme - Healthy nervous system, skin and intestines - Pellagra (skin and gastrointestinal lesions)
B5 (pantothenic acid) Fish, egg yolk, liver, meat - Component of coenzyme for carbohydrates, protein and fatty acids metabolism - Muscle cramps - Fatigue
- Grey hair
- Low immunity
B6 (pyridoxine) Fish, liver, milk, potatoes - Coenzyme in amino acid metabolism - For red blood cell formation - Kidney stone - Muscular twitching
- Diarrhea
B9 (folic acid) Green vegetables - For DNA and RNA - For red blood cells formation
- Regulating the function of iron
- Miscarriage birth - Cleft lips
- Limb defects of babies
B12 (cobalamin) Cheese, milk, egg, meat - Coenzyme in nucleic acid metabolism
- For red blood cells formation
- Pernicious anaemia - Neurological disorders
H (biotin) Legumes, vegetables - Coenzyme in the synthesis of fat, glycogen and amino acid - Nausea - Fatigue
- Muscular pains
C (ascorbic acid) Orange, tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower - Fats and protein metabolism
- Energy production
- Scurvy (bleeding gums and bruised skin)

  • It is a group of complex organic compounds that are needed in small quantities by living organisms because vitamins can be reused in body metabolisms.
  • Vitamins do not provide energy to body metabolism and vitamins are non-protein organic compounds.
  • Living organisms cannot synthesise vitamins.
  • Vitamins can be only obtained from diet.
  • It is essential to maintenance of good health, normal growth and efficient metabolism.
  • There are two categories in vitamins: fat-soluble vitamins and water-soluble vitamins.
Fat-soluble Vitamins
Types of Vitamins Sources Functions Effect of deficiency
A (retinol) Milk, carrots, tomatoes, eggs, fish oil, green vegetables, butter - Builds visual pigments on retina for night vision - Immunity
- Growth of epithelial cells
- Antioxidant
- Build body resistance to diseases
- Night blindness - Xerophthalmia (cornea becomes dry)
- Scaly skin
D (calciferol) Formed (skin) during the presence of sunlight, fish liver oil, egg yolk, cheese - Enhances absorption of calcium and phosphorus - Build strong bones and healthy teeth - Rickets (weak bones) - Osteomalacia (softening of bones)
E (tocopherol) Palm oil, cereals, nuts, green vegetables, olive oil, milk- - Preserves healthy muscular system, blood circulatory (red blood cells) and nervous system - Antioxidant
- Maintain healthy function of the reproduction system
- Premature aging - Low fertility
- Slow wound healing
K (phylloquinone) Green vegetable, totatoes - Helps in blood clotting - Detective blood clotting - Anaemia

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